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By 4:39 AM

I watch Glee.

This week's show is focused on Christmas, and there are certain themes there that stuck to me. For one thing, what I want most for Christmas this year, I can't have, but as one of the characters said, sometimes Santa can't give us what we want, but he can give us patience. It's something that I'm coming to understand and learn, that sometimes we can't have what we want, but we can have patience, a gift from a loving Father in Heaven who CAN give us everything, but wants us to learn the attribute that allows us to be more grateful for what we already have, and then to be grateful for whatever comes our way.

One of the characters still believes in Santa, and she's devastated when she finds out that Santa can't give her boyfriend the ability to walk. It's meant to be slightly ridiculous that she still believes in Santa, but, at the end of the episode, her boyfriend gets a machine that helps him out with learning to walk again, and she believes again in Santa. "A little Christmas miracle." I have the hope that things will work out for the best, because I know that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and wants me to be happy. So, even though I might not get exactly what I want for Christmas this year, I can be confident in the fact that eventually, the desires of my heart will come to pass if they are righteous, whether or not it's in the way I expect it. I just have to patient, knowing that while I'm waiting, I can be a Santa, we all can be Santa's to those around us, because, at the end of it all, it's in the giving that truly counts.

Just as "Santa" lies in each of our hearts, so does the Spirit of Christ, which helps us to give all that we can, have the Christmas Spirit truly fill our lives.

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