I'm not. But...
Walking around the streets of Spain and Portugal, we've seen a lot of homeless people around. We always try and drop a coin or two in their cup or hands, but it's heartbreaking to see so many of them around. I've read a few studies that talk about how these people are more a victim of circumstance or anything. But, that's beside the point. They're human, and we are too.
Took a shot of this guy basking in the sun after seeing him shivering on Christmas Eve in the cusp of a store window. Thankfully it warmed up a bit.
I really hope that I never take for granted just how blessed I am.
I was just emailing my teacher about this, since we talked about that, and the concept of egoism and altruism in class, about how people detach themselves from seeing people suffering, and not recognizing the humanity in them, and putting themselves on a pedestal above others.
He said, "My concern is always with people who feel like they have it all worked out and who don't ask the hard questions about their heart and their intentions. The rest of us who struggle with the altruist and egoist in ourselves, are right where we should be--in a struggle, asking the tough questions of ourselves and others, and not becoming easily settled on ethics. I know I struggle all the time, and hope that especially during the holiday season I am a little more inclined than usual toward the good and the selfless."
I hope that I am too. Christ would have wanted it, and I want to be like Him.
Next time you walk by a homeless guy, search for that coin in your pocket, please?